Thursday, September 19, 2024
WSJ Calls Out Its Own for Political Ineptitude

WASHINGTON, D.C. Oct. 16 (DPI) — The Wall Street Journal, once the voice of mainstream conservatism until taking up the broader cause of the radical right in recent years, finally broke ranks with its extremist allies, calling them out for political ineptitude in its lead editorial.

“Out of political pique,” the paper’s Oct. 16 editorial pointed out, “House Republicans opposed two ways to make ObamaCare less destructive … This is the quality of thinking—or lack thereof—that has afflicted many GOP conservatives from the beginning of this budget showdown.”

More than 500 comments followed the digital version of the editorial this morning, many of them engaged in predictable back-and-forth on the importance of cutting government spending, and how to do it.

Meanwhile, business interests – from the largest corporations to Main Street enterprises — remain largely quiet as the political endgame plays out in Washington. Investor Warren Buffett asserted that a default on the national debt would be “idiotic” but most business groups have steered clear of criticism of Washington politicians. The most ambitious that The U.S. Chamber of Commerce can get on its web site was a report on the dangers of rising government spending:



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