Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Readers Unload on Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley

WASHINGTON, D.C. Dec. 17 (DPI) – The Washington Post published an op-ed by Trump’s former UN envoy Nikki Haley, who urged the incoming Biden Administration to stick with and follow through on a few of Trump’s foreign policies.

The former South Carolina governor – and now a possible presidential candidate in 2024 – wrote that Trump’s confrontational policy toward China had been effective, and that policies dealing with South American dictators had been useful as well. Finally, she urged the new administration to continue the thaw in Arab-Israeli relations, not entirely hatched by Trump but something he encouraged.

Readers, though, were besides themselves with a post-Trumpian rage directed at Haley. “Nikki, I don’t recall anyone asking you for your opinion,” wrote one, whose post was the second-most popular. More than 4,600 comments appeared on board that followed Haley’s column.

The top most popular comments:

Sorry, but I’m not even going to read what pearls of wisdom the spineless quisling Haley has to say.  Please crawl back under your rock along with your cult leader.  You have lost all credibility since you sold your soul to trump.  Your words are empty and meaningless.
Shameless and shameful.

Nikki, I don’t recall anyone asking you for your opinion, in fact I think there are enough Democrats and some Republicans that are better versed in Foreign Policy than you or the others in the current administration.
Mike Pompeo and Trump have done their best to destroy our foreign policy reputation and world relationships, and now it’s time to make up for lost time.

That’s not fair.  Haley would be a great ambassador to South Carolina.
(“Two small to be a country, too big to be an insane asylum.”)

Nikki, kiddo, you worked for the most corrupt, ignorant president ever. He attacked our allies and cozied up with dictators.

Put away those dreams of being president in the future. The Democratic Party is growing and we will NEVER EVER vote for you! You were tainted by Trump. You spoke at his convention.

You had ZERO experience in international relations when Trump made you our UN ambassador. You accomplished NOTHING! And you never once spoke out against Trump.



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