Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Impeachment Fallout: “The GOP Is Lost, and It’s Never Coming Back”

WASHINGTON, D.C. Oct. 23 (DPI) – Damning testimony from a career diplomat yesterday should have nailed down a solid basis for Trump’s impeachment, but some Republican lawmakers are still seeking to derail a Constitutional process intended to arrest abuses of executive power.

Ambassador to Ukraine William B. Taylor Jr. confirmed in testimony on Capitol Hill yesterday that Trump withheld military aid to Ukraine in order to get its leaders to investigate Joe Biden’s son activities in the country. Such behavior suggests Trump continues to put his own interests ahead of the country, a clear violation of his oath of office.

Yet somehow Republican congressmen and some senators continue to support Trump, even as they should be seizing the opportunity to remove him from office and re-position the party for a possible recovery in the 2020 elections.

Readers expressed near universal dismay over the behavior of GOP elected officials, a few of whom actually tried to hold up a closed-door impeachment hearing on Capitol Hill today. Most readers wrote that they had a hard time believing that the GOP and its members continue to support Trump.

An avalanche of comments suggests that the impeachment process will accelerate in the days ahead, and Trump’s days may be numbered as chief executive of the US. Among the most popular comments on WashingtonPost.com this afternoon:

Trump just had his goons in the house storm the secure room for testimony. I really think this is the last gasp of his ship. They are literally reduced to trying to physically stop the process.

It’s over for him. His lawyer is currently arguing the absurdity that Trump has the right to murder people and not be held accountable.

I find it interesting that former Republicans like Will, Rubin and Boot, et al., cling to this notion that somehow Republicans will get woke and reclaim their integrity.

They are now a party of authoritarianism and they like what trump is doing. Read John Dean’s book “Conservatives Without Conscience,” if you want to understand this better.  No, their only fear is in being found out too soon as to what they are doing and that it would wake the nation up into outrage.

 The GOP is lost Max. It’s never coming back.

As Max Boot wrote in the Washington Post this morning: “This is a time for choosing: Will House and Senate members be loyal to the republic or to the Republican Party? Will they choose the president or the Constitution? The country or their most rabid constituents?


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