Sunday, March 16, 2025
With Internet’s Love of Conspiracy Theories, Epstein Suicide Will Be Focus of Speculation for Years

NEW YORK, NY Aug. 10 (DPI) – Jeffrey Epstein hung himself in his New York City jail cell overnight, and barely seconds after headlines hit the screens this morning the internet was awash with conspiracy theories that the 66-year-old financier had been murdered.

News of his death followed weeks of speculation that Epstein had for years been protected by powerful people, despite sex-trafficking charges that stretched back more than a decade.

Major news outlets – even The Washington Post – resisted attaching comment boards to the new stories of the demise of Epstein, who was being held, previously under suicide watch but apparently not at the time of his death, on sex-trafficking charges.

But by early afternoon, the comment boards were activated and posts pored forth.

The top recommended comments on today:

This was such a predictable death. It would not be surprising to learn that Epstein’s “suicide”was somehow assisted. I’m sure a lot of his powerful friends are breathing sighs of relief after suffering the fear of exposure these past weeks. Let’s hope that this story is too big to squelch and that ALL involved will be held accountable.

It is completely outrageous that Epstein was in a position to even attempt suicide given the nature of the charges against him, and the possibility that people in high places might have been implicated had he chosen to cooperate. I am not given to conspiratorial theories, but this specific scenario stinks to high heaven – and at least suggests a willingness by federal authorities to look the other way while an inconvenient felon took himself out. There’s no excuse for this – and Epstein’s death can only lead to speculation of either gross incompetence or corruption infecting the federal law enforcement system.

What we have learned of Jeffrey Epstein’s history and connections make it impossible to believe that his suicide was not in some way encouraged or abetted, even passively, by persons in positions of power. He had already tried once! Give us a break. Once again, we must rely on investigative journalists and honest law enforcement to uncover the entire sordid tale from beginning to end no matter whose contacts with him are revealed. My stomach is turning. Heads should roll.

Social media forums also reveled in the news. One popular Facebook comment:

Two predictions following the death of Jeffrey Epstein:
The James Patterson book, “ Filthy Rich”, written several years ago, will be # 1 on the best seller list
Leslie Wexner will be getting far more scrutiny on his role in the rise of Epstein


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