Saturday, March 15, 2025
Readers Hope for Fireworks from Mueller Testimony, But Many Are Realistic

WASHINGTON, D.C. June 25 (DPI) – Robert Mueller announced he will comply with subpoenas and testify before Congressional subcommittees on July 17, which prompted this most-popular comment on this evening: “Trump Bombs Iran on July 16.”

More than 2,000 comments hit the Washington Post screens tonight, most of them eager to hear what Mueller has to say, even if he simply repeats the contents of the 440-page report. The White House of course repeated an old line tonight: That no criminal charges against Trump from the report, based on two years of investigation.

The NY Times and The Wall Street Journal elected not to place comment boards next to tonight’s news story. The Times trumpeted. prematurely, that the testimony would “change the political landscape” around the Trump presidency.

Many readers who were able to comment, though, sounded much like this most-popular: “Trump can’t invoke executive privilege over Mueller. This should be good.”

Many others, while supporting Mueller, reserved judgment: “Mueller made it pretty clear that he didn’t want to testify.  Congress had to subpoena him to get him to appear.  Don’t get me wrong:  I’m glad to hear that Mueller will testify, but after everything that’s happened, I’m going to take a wait and see approach, rather than assume anything.”


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