Thursday, March 13, 2025
Readers Applaud NYT Report Detailing Trump Business Failures

NEW YORK, NY May 9 (DPI) – The New York Times produced a meticulously reported expose of Trump’s vast business losses in the 80s and early 90s, more evidence – to readers, at least – that the man has been masquerading as a financially successful businessman throughout his life. “The guy’s been a shameless grifter all along,” according to one popular post attached to the article.

The Times report outlined tax losses of more than $1 billion through 1994, prior to his high-profile presence on the NBC television show “The Apprentice,” which cast him somehow as a successful businessman. Trump himself defended the business losses as some kind of strategic move intended to secure loss carry-forwards in future tax returns.

Trump’s more recent tax returns – from the last 25 years – have not yet been disclosed.

Readers commenting on the Times report were universal in their applause for the Times’s reporting efforts, and they heaped more scorn on Trump. The most popular of more than 1,000 comments:

Great reporting, New York Times. A question to the 63 million suckers who voted for the greatest con of all time: do you still think this clown is an incredible businessman ? Would you possibly considered the possibility that you’ve been duped ? His only skills are lying, stealing other people’s money and ‘entertaining’….if you consider flushing the Presidency and the country down the toilet entertaining. He’s a fake, phony and fraudster of the highest order.

Everybody… E-V-E-R-Y-B-O-D-Y… in the New York financial and real estate communities has known this since the 80’s. He failed spectacularly at everything except self-promotion. Donald Trump has supported himself for the last thirty years by leasing his name, debasing himself weekly on NBC and selling condominiums at grossly inflated prices to the gangsters and murderers who picked clean the carcass of the former USSR. That’s all there is. That’s all he is.

A con man, a grifter, a liar and a thief…..and the current face of our country and the standard-bearer for the Republican Party. #2020

He’s shameless about so many things. I don’t think losing billions is what he is trying to hide. There’s likely something far worse.

Thank you NY Times. You guys and gals are the best and offer the nation huge hope that this man will be stopped. Americans can’t thank you enough.



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