Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Reader Comments Slam Op-Ed Writer Who Has a Sudden Problem With Biden Touch

WASHINGTON, D.C. April 5 (DPI) – Joe Biden touched foreheads with a young woman who participated in a victim’s rights event on Oscar’s Night in 2016, a seemingly harmless show of support by the then-vice president that the woman has now decided violated her personal space – and merited, three years later, more outrage in a Washington Post column.

The woman, Sofie Karasek, described by The Post as survivor’s rights advocate, wrote a column entitled “A Photo of Joe Biden and Me Went Viral. Now I Want Him to Take Ownership of His Actions.”

The op-ed was the latest attempt to point out that the 76-year-old Joe Biden, who spent his life in politics, has touched people over the years. He’s done it, for his entire career, for the same reasons all politicians do – to relate, to show empathy, to connect with people, a matter not of small importance in retail politics.

But the new political climate has decided that the Biden – a lifelong moderate who is one of the Democrats’ few logical choices to oust Trump – is an out-of-touch lout at best or a oddly public predator at worst.

As Biden attempts to defend his behavior – CNN said he was “making light” of the charges today – the episode looks strangely like the Kavanaugh episode of last fall, when the press jumped on old claims against the court nominee, and then criticized him for the way he defended himself.

Many readers – of nearly 6,000 comments in 24 hours –  found the whole matter suspect. Many said the woman came across as a publicity-seeking opportunist, while the most popular comments expressed dismay that the radical left was so eager to attack Biden for what was long seen as normal behavior, especially for a politician.

The top three recommended comments:

There’s nothing happening here that’s not obvious to everyone but this woman. He’s being compassionate and offering sympathy and she’s obviously accepting it gratefully. These absurd attacks on Biden have to stop.

Enough with this Biden violated my personal space nonsense.  Stop trying to make him into some kind of predator.  This is craziness.

I find the lady’s comments offensive and inappropriate.  Did she ask Biden’s permission to write this nonsense.  She was not harmed in any way.  She wants to be a victim so badly she writes this.  Compare her plight to that of the sexually abused.  They are not the same.  Disgusting.


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