Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Mueller Report Suggests Rule of Law Can Prevail, Despite No Charges Against Trump

WASHINGTON, D.C. April 19 (DPI)  – Trump hasn’t been indicted, but the Mueller Report has already accomplished something important: It has restored some confidence in our nation’s democratic institutions and the rule of law.

In fact, there have been encouraging takeaways from the now-released report, which concluded that Trump aides and family members had more than 140 contacts with Russian operatives through election day 2016, and Trump tried hard to shut down the probe.

The most striking revelations, to many at least, were the actions that White House aides have often simply refused to act on the president’s orders and worst instincts.

Three op-ed columns in recent days – one by David Ignatius of The Washington Post, and those by Maureen Dowd and Bret Stephens, both of The New York Times – make central points about the report.

Ignatius asserts that the Mueller Report has helped restore some moral authority in the world. Dowd’s column, characteristically acerbic, points out that the report confirmed Trump to be everything the press has said he is: A lying narcissist. And the report hardly exonerates Trump, who may yet be indicted for perjury or worse, Dowd writes.

Finally, Stephens reminds American conservatives that the Mueller Report did them a favor, by serving as a document based on the sober collection of facts, and the rule of law.


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