Monday, March 10, 2025
Financier’s Predictions on 2020 Election Have Frightening Plausibility

WASHINGTON, DC Feb 22 (DPI) – A Los Angeles financier who in January 2016 predicted Trump’s election win expressed his deep concerns this month about America’s political dysfunction and financial mismanagement. And while such remarks are now commonplace among many Wall Streeters, Jeffrey Gundlach’s predictions on the 2020 presidential election jumped out as both insightful – and utterly plausible.

Gundlach, an investor and fund manager, told Yahoo News this week that the 2020 election could be decided by Congress, leading to a level of government dysfunction not yet seen.

“If you think this 2016 election was weird, you ain’t seen nothing yet. And here we are, it feels as though we are already far into the 2020 election cycle even though it is February 2019. We even have the possibility for a third party candidate. And we might even in my view have four candidates that get electoral votes, or at least decent polling.

“I think the biggest thing that might be worrisome relative to politics is that is just possible … just plausible that the next election is decided by Congress. Because it’s possible that no one get the majority of the electoral college delegates.

“And if you think that Congress is dysfunctional now, and that there’s anger and vitriol, just imagine what it would be like if Congress actually picked the next president and vice president. The House would select the president, the Senate would select the vice president. And just imagine if they were candidates picked from different parties, and how that would go.

“We are in very difficult political waters, we have been for a while, and don’t think it’s going to get any better any time soon.”

Gundlach prefaced those comments with one big-picture observation: “It’s all part of the cycle that we are in, where technology has gotten way ahead of society’s ability to adapt to it. This is the classic ebb and flow of history.”


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