Sunday, March 9, 2025
Comment Boards Sneer Over White House Reversal on Syria

WASHINGTON, D.C. Jan. 9 (DPI) – Trump in mid-December tweeted that he would unilaterally remove 2,000 troops from Syria, an announcement so impulsive that the defense secretary resigned and allies throughout the world questioned US reliability. Then, in recent days, Trump’s security advisor, John Bolton, contradicted his boss, saying that any withdrawal was conditional and had no set timeline.

Such confusion set off a storm of invective on comment boards across the internet, even on conservative new sites typically more accepting of Trump’s unorthodox ways.  “Does this now mean (recently ousted defense secretary) Mattis can un-resign?” asked conservative pundit Max Boot this week.

And the most popular comments on this week were harshly critical as well:

Shorter version: US foreign policy is now mayhem, with no coherent strategy, no clear objectives, and nobody in charge. What could possibly go wrong?

It’s interesting how Mattis felt forced to resign in the face of Trump’s decision on Syria, yet Bolton keeps on ticking like an adorable (not) little bunny — notwithstanding the fact that the President’s views on Syria profoundly contradict his own. What’s different about Bolton? He seems unconcerned that Trump might fire him, as though that possibility were simply out of the question. Recall that Bolton was hired by Trump at the urging of billionaire Republican mega-donor Sheldon Adelson whose money speaks loudly and whose sole interest, within the sphere of foreign policy, is to make sure that US actions in the Middle East are aligned with the wishes of the Israeli government. Israel wishes the US to remain in Syria as pushback against Iranian presence and influence there. In acting to slow walk or indefinitely delay a US pullout, Bolton is acting in the interests of Sheldon Adelson and Israel. It has nothing to do with enforcing “American sovereignty” which is supposedly Bolton’s particular obsession. American sovereignty? In Syria? Trump seems okay with Bolton. Money, of course, talks. Remember that Trump’s initial concern at the prospect of hiring him was Bolton’s mustache, not his support for the war on Iraq which Trump himself had strongly criticized throughout his campaign. So much for our “America First” president.


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