Sunday, March 9, 2025
Readers Express Genuine Fear In Wake of Mattis Resignation

WASHINGTON, D.C. Dec. 20 (DPI) – Today’s resignation of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis – reportedly over Trump’s sudden decision to withdraw troops from Syria – triggered a wave of comments from readers, almost all expressing genuine fear that “the last grown-up” is abandoning the administration. “God help us,” declared one of the most popular comments on this evening.

Mattis wrote an eloquent letter to the president, emphasizing two years of accomplishments in upgrading defense capabilities, and the letter was widely referenced and quoted.

But readers felt hardly reassured, as Mattis’s departure – only a week after news that Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly would be leaving as well – stirred fears that global events could get out of control.  As one wrote: “This administration will shortly be without Kelly and Mattis, which leaves Bolton as Trump’s primary adviser on national security matters. This should terrify everyone, and that’s not hyperbole.”

Trump, readers are pointing out repeatedly, is often reckless and unpredictable, while displaying a reverence for authoritarians like Vladimir Putin, and Mattis’s resignation is “a seismic event.”

The most popular comments on

Having heard Gen. Mathis’s 2-page resignation letter read on one network, I think it is clear that he has quit out of his deep concern that our national security interests are not being served by this President. Between the markets tanking, the ill-advised withdrawal of our troops from Syria in a manner that threatens greater geopolitical disruption, rumors, and now the departure of Gen. Mattis, will the Republican Party PLEASE stop being bystanders and do something to save our country from the imbalanced, incompetent, and corrupt man in the Oval Office? Just as those who knew Trump predicted, he is an existential threat that endangers our national security and that of our allies.

It’s time again to ask why bother having a 25th amendment if no one is going to use it?

General Mattis thank you for your service. Many of us are worried about what comes next.

Once again, Trump is caught lying. James Mattis tendered his letter of resignation, he didn’t retire.

If anyone wondered what Mattis thinks of Trump, clearly it is that he is very, very wrong. Trump destroys everything he touches. He is clearly not fit to be the Commander-in-Chief. The man should be impeached.

This is a seismic event. The only true adult in the disastrous Trump administration is leaving. The White House is in free fall and, by extension, so is the United States and our allies.

Another one heads for the lifeboats as the Trump Titanic cruises full speed ahead in pitch darkness in a sea of giant icebergs. This ship is going down, down, down…

This administration will shortly be without Kelly and Mattis, which leaves Bolton as Trump’s primary adviser on national security matters. This should terrify everyone, and that’s not hyperbole.





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