Friday, March 7, 2025
Stakes Are Sky-High as Confirmation is Referendum on Much More than a Court Seat

WASHINGTON,, D.C. Sept. 28 (DPI) – The two sides of American politics – conservatives who are virtually all the Republicans, and liberals who are virtually all the Democrats – have dug in for the end game in the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.  A judiciary committee vote may come as early as today, and a full Senate vote next week. It’s all coming after a dramatic day of hearings in which Dr. Christine Blasey Ford claimed under oath that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in 1983.

The stakes, of course, are monumentally high: Democrats are attempting to derail any confirmation before November’s midterm elections, which may usher in Democrat control on Capitol Hill. Republicans, who have managed to advance their agenda over the last 18 months despite an erratic executive, may well run the table with policy successes if Kavanaugh gets confirmed.  A conservative majority on the court may remain in place another 30 years.

More broadly, the process of vetting a Supreme Court nominee, always fraught in recent years, has been reduced to politics of smears and personal destruction. That’s long been a weapon in Washington, but the willingness to act on innuendo and on claims that are neither provable nor unprovable, well, that all could change attitudes about the rule of law and people’s faith in the political system in general.

And of course there is the increasing politicization of the Supreme Court, one of the few institutions remaining that had been largely spared from such attacks. However this confirmation process plays out, the Supreme Court’s reputation for integrity could be lost.

As for the Great Divide, look no further than top comments attached to the lead editorials of and

From the

I wasn’t totally sold on Brett.  Until today.  Now, I am a full-throated Brett fan.  He has more integrity than the entire Judiciary committee.  Confirm him.

I agree with Senator Graham – “To my Republican colleagues, if you vote no, you are legitimizing the most despicable thing I’ve ever seen in my time in politics.”
Damn right.  This has been a disgusting display by the Democrats.  Unethical, dirty, morally corrupt. Again, as Senator Graham said, “boy, ya’ll really want power, and I hope you never get it” I PRAY they never get it.

Democrats went too far and will pay in Nov. It’s shameful what they did with that woman. She’s clearly troubled and likely was sexually assaulted by someone. She couldn’t provide even the thinnest shred of corroborating evidence or witnesses against Kavanaugh. Democrats likely came to this same conclusion weeks ago — and didn’t ask for an FBI investigation then precisely because they know any such FBI findings would completely nullify her political damage value.
So what do they do? They wait until after the testimony portion of the confirmation is done, leak her to the press, and subject this poor woman to exactly what she wanted to avoid — using her coldly as a political delay tactic to past the midterms. I don’t for a second think they had a modicum of concern for her or they would have researched her claims and abided by her wishes.  Republicans should help her get the help she clearly needs as I doubt the Democrats are going to help her now that she is of no political value.


No matter what happened in the past, Kavanaugh proved today that he has anger control issues, is partisan and not neutral, and has some kind of weird grudge and fascination with the Clintons dating back to Whitewater. The Supreme Court should be composed of stable, non-partisan people who can control their outbursts. Kavanaugh does not meet these standards.

I don’t know what the truth is. But Ford was clearly honest. She put herself at the service of the Senators. Kavanaugh was calculating and evasive, repeating the same careful non-answers over & over, deliberately trying to use up the Democrats’ time. Even if her memories were wrong, and his belief in his innocence were sincere, I would trust her a thousand times more than I’d trust him. His wild partisan attacks and conspiracy theories would disqualify ANY nominee for the federal bench, if we had a functioning Senate.

The judge has some issues with women, with honesty, with entitlement, with anger, with partisanship. Not the right temperament for the high court. The GOP and the nation can do much better.





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