Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Lefty Readers Slam Op-Ed Writer for Suggesting Their Self-Righteousness Could Get Trump Re-Elected

NEW YORK, NY May 14 (DPI) – A University of Virginia political science professor managed to convince the NY Times to publish an Op-Ed headlined “Liberals, You’re Not As Smart As You Think.”  He warns the American Left that its habit of self-righteousness could lead a Trump re-election.

The 1700-plus reader comments accompanying the op-ed, most of them at least, provided almost amusing confirmation that the American Left is not ready to be criticized, and is every bit as self-righteous at the author suggests.  All of the most popular comments slammed the author, as did hundreds of others: “Liberals don’t need lectures on minding our manners,” wrote one whose post was highest recommended by readers. “Are there not self-righteous conservatives?” wrote the poster of the second-most popular comment.

The professor, Gerard Alexander, points out that whole industries – media, entertainment, academe – are dominated by liberal activists, but the American Left still suffers from a certainty of its views, on matters of race and immigration, for instance, and that certainty only alienates others. Wrote Alexander: “Liberals can act as if they’re not so certain — and maybe actually not be so certain — that bigotry motivates people who disagree with them on issues like immigration. Without sacrificing their principles, liberals can come across as more respectful of others. Self-righteousness is rarely attractive, and even more rarely rewarded.”

Top four most popular comments:

One of the most extraordinary things about US politics today is that Trump has set new standards for vileness and insolence in both his conduct and speech, and wins admiration for it from his base. But when Hillary Clinton, in an unguarded moment, accurately described half of Trump’s voters as deplorable, she was condemned as an out of touch elitist. So we must wonder, is it actually the case that a majority of Americans prefer a proven liar and conman, and unproven traitor to a capable, if uncharismatic politician? Actually not, if we examine the numbers. Trump was beaten in the popular vote and would have prevailed in crucial swing states were it not for gerrymandering and voter suppression by Republicans. Liberals don’t need lectures on minding our manners. We need a democracy that actually reflects the will of the people.

Are there not self-righteous conservatives? Are there not conservatives who call liberals “libtards” and question liberals’ patriotism at every opportunity? Are there not conservatives who vehemently oppose free speech when that speech dares to question American exceptionalism?
These one-sided arguments excoriating liberals are quite tiresome. If, knowing now what we know about Trump, 18 months removed from that terrible Tuesday, someone still supports the man, there is nothing I can say or do, no degree of empathy or understanding I can deliver, to make that someone change his or her mind.
We all need to stop generalizing about individuals.

This is the same argument I’ve been hearing since Trump was elected. It infuriates me. Just what do you suggest liberals do? Be super respectful and tolerant of ignorance? Invite the “other side” to a dialogue? In my little town we tried and they refused. From my experience, republicans are mostly bullies and behave exactly like you describe. They are looking down on the city elites if for the opposite reason. Conservatives proudly call themselves the real Americans and sneer at liberals. Does this come from a place of insecurity? Perhaps. But you proceed to paint all liberals as one, which is of course not true. I suggest that liberals running for office be honest and forthright. Trump’s dedicated base will not be swayed, not for anything. Liberals must motivate everyone else to show up and vote.

The author’s argument is based on a false description of liberals used by those on the right to stereotype, malign, and scapegoat liberals, confound facts and falsify the public debate.
The dictionary’s definition of a liberal is merely one who is open-minded, favorable to and respectful of individual rights and freedoms. These are the precise noble values expressed in the Declaration of Independence—that we are all created equal, and all endowed by our creator with the inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
If liberals are smart, and the majority of college professors are liberal, it is only because an open mind, as free from prejudice as possible, is essential to discovering truth, such as that the Earth revolves around the Sun, not vice versa! It is not liberals, but the right that wants to tell the rest of us what to do, indeed force us—not use contraception, not have abortions, dictate whom one may fall in love with and be allowed to marry, etc. If anyone is self-righteous, it is the right. Liberals don’t presume to know what is right for others, only that everyone should have the right to decide that for themselves, as long as it doesn’t harm others. If liberals are vocal in defending these principles and the truth, it is not that they are self-righteous, it is that they care most strongly about the noble values upon with our democracy was founded, and know that without them it will cease to exist.



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