Thursday, December 26, 2024
Is “Net Neutrality” Simply Regulation That’s Stifling Marketplace Innovation?

WASHINGTON, D.C. Nov. 27 (DPI) – The Trump administration’s FCC wants to roll back so-called Net Neutrality rules for the internet, a move that would allow internet service providers to charge more money for higher bandwidth usage.  It’s a form of deregulation seen by many – especially among young people and the left generally – as a giveaway to Big Telecom firms who dominate the delivery of internet services and who donate to right-leaning political candidates.

The outcry by the internet hoards has been fierce and energetic – and vicious against those who are challenging the prevailing wisdom that Obama’s protection of net neutrality rules protect consumers, as well as creativity and innovation on the internet.

One of those voices challenging the virtue of net neutrality rules is Jeffrey Tucker, an analyst at a libertarian think tank, the Atlanta-based Foundation for Economic Education. Tucker recently published an article titled “Good bye Net Neutrality, Hello Competition.” Tucker’s view is that eliminating new neutrality rules and similar government regulation will foster new competitors among ISPs and spawn innovation in internet services.

In fact, such deregulation may in the long run improve service and lower the cost of your monthly internet bill, Tucker argues.  He adds that while he’s been highly critical of the Trump Administration, this is one area of policy – unlike trade, immigration, etc. – that actually makes sense.

In a short interview with James Corbett’s, Tucker gives a cogent and convincing defense of his position, which is based on the time-honored principles of free markets enabling innovators and entrepreneurs to exploit opportunities and inefficiencies.

He adds too that he’s been verbally attacked, trolled and vilified since his article was published a few days ago.

Many of his critics are young people who simply don’t understand how free markets work, and young people, nowadays at least, just “want freebies,” he says at the end of the interview.


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