Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Biden Pardons His Son, and The Comment Boards Go Ballistic: “Trump Will Just Do It More, With Impunity”

WASHINGTON, D.C. Dec. 2 (DPI) – President Biden, after insisting for months that he would never pardon his son Hunter Biden for tax-fraud and other charges, did just that this weekend, setting off a torrent of reaction and criticism on news comment boards.

It served too as a reminder that American politicians and their families are now nearly exempt from the laws – criminal and civil – that rule the rest of us, and that reality is unlikely to change with Donald Trump taking office in January.

Readers of the WSJ were especially harsh in their judgments:

A simple commutation of sentence would’ve kept Hunter from serving time on his tax and gun convictions. A full pardon for every crime he’s committed since January 1, 2014? That’s Joe Biden protecting himself. The whole Biden crime family has been taking $10 million plus from Ukraine and Chinese interests since 2014. This is just the beginning: expect full pardons for Joe’s brother, other relatives and Joe himself before he leaves office. But Joe is protecting our democratic norms, no one is above the law, etc. Or so our MSM will continue to insist.

While Democrats have long held on to the “Scranton Joe” brand, everyone with a brain knew Biden was a longtime grifter, with a career in politics void of any notable accomplishment. He was chosen as Obama’s VP to try to legitimize the ticket, and then chosen as the presidential nominee to portray some sort of stability. Of course, the lap dog press ate it up and never bothered to question the gaslighting of the leftists. Today’s decision doesn’t “tarnish” Biden’s brand, it confirms it.

Readers of The New York Times often asserted that Democrats should no longer try to stick to any “purity tests” and Biden shouldn’t be faulted for his decision to pardon his son now.

I propose we reconsider Biden’s pardon of his son through a broader lens. Trump pardoned his son-in-law’s father but also vowed to absolve all individuals convicted for their involvement in the January 6, 2021, Capitol insurrection. Trump consistently labeled all accusations against him and any resulting convictions as politically motivated witch hunts. The Supreme Court has granted him immunity from convictions and any potential crimes. Why do we scrutinize Biden for misusing his power to save a beloved son yet turn a blind eye to Trump’s similar actions? It’s time to apply the same standard to both leaders.

Who thinks that, but for politics, Hunter would have been prosecuted? Likewise, who thinks Hunter would be treated fairly under a Trump’s DOJ? As someone said, it’s not as if he’s being nominated as an Ambassador.

This pardon will have no lasting effects whatsoever. Donald Trump has already taught Republicans that the pardon can be used anyway they want to. Nothing that Democrats can do while ever change that. I’m tired of the idea that Democrats need to act with purity in the face of republican debauchery. I say, play by the rules. If the rules say you can pardon, then pardon. If the rules say you can gerrymander, then gerrymander. If you don’t like the rules, change them. But don’t let the other party use the rules to defeat you because you’re too pure to use them. That has been democratic foolishness for too long.

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