Monday, March 31, 2025
Trump Needs to Lose For US Conservatism and GOP to Survive, Recent WSJ Commenters Concluding

NEW YORK, NY Sept. 12 (DPI) – Republican operator Karl Rove in his regular WSJ column this week wrote that Tuesday’s debate results for Trump were “catastrophic” – and many readers not only agreed but suggested, in a major shift for Rove’s readers, that Trump now needs to lose for US conservatism to survive.

In fact, that new narrative emerged in reader comments: That conservatives should focus on regaining control of the US Senate and Congress, and abandon Trump once and for all.

Kamala Harris decisively outpunched Trump in Tuesday’s debate, Rove pointed out. The debate was “a train wreck for him, far worse than anything Team Trump could have imagined,” Rove wrote.

The tone among 3,000 reader comments – especially the most popular comments – suggested that Trump is no longer worth supporting. As one popular comment put it: “First party to ditch their old man wins” – Nikki Haley the Soothsayer.

Among the most popular reader comments:

If the Democrats can drop Biden after a debate, can the Republicans replace Trump with Nikki? Please? Primary process is broken. A few early states decide the nominee for a national election. Party voters in many states have zero input into the nominee. If a national Republican primary had been held, Nikki likely would have won. I would have loved to see Nikki on stage last night. As bad as the next four years could be, Trump losing will be in the best long-term interest of the Republican party.

Trump’s claim that Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio were eating the pets of local residents followed by the strident justification that he “saw/heard this on television!” will haunt him as one of the defining bloopers ever made in any presidential debate. This utterance will define him forever as a lunatic.

I think the presidential election was Trump’s to lose, and this performance pushed him (in my opinion) from more likely to win over to more likely to lose. Will still be close, but she did better than I thought her capable of doing, and he did as badly as we all knew he could do.
So the concerning question is really the senate now.
If R’s take the senate then Trump losing might be the best thing for the Republican party. Get him out of the scene entirely and R’s can focus on traditional conservative policies and values again.
If it’s Kamala and a D majority in the senate then they’ll pack the court, and that’s going to lead to more court packing and destruction of any remaining political norms.
If it’s Kamala and D control of the house and the senate then we have a much more serious problem.

I’m convinced that Trump solely relies on Fox News sound bites for his debate preparation. He doesn’t read, he doesn’t research. He simply regurgitates the same sound bites coming from his syncophants: Hannity, Judge Jeanine, Laura Ingraham and Jesse Waters.
Nothing more.
Nikki Haley should’ve been on that podium last night. She would’ve wiped the floor with Kamala.


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