Monday, March 31, 2025
Readers Slam WaPo for Wondering Whether It’s OK For Ukraine to Invade Russia With Western Weaponry

WASHINGTON, D.C. Aug. 9 (DPI) – Ukraine turned the wartime tables on Russia this week by invading the border region of Kursk, a major strategic move that The Washington Post initially said “raised questions” about the use of Western weapons.

The Post changed the top-of-page headline within a few hours – to a more anodyne “Ukraine, Powered By Western Arms, Stuns Russia with Cross-Border Assault.” But readers quickly slammed The Post for its pathetically misguided emphasis on “whether Ukraine violated U. S. rules on donated fighting vehicles.”

“Oh, stop being stupid!” replied the most popular reader comment to The Post.

All of the most popular of nearly 4800 reader comments focused on The Post’s preoccupation with the use of largely NATO weaponry, a secondary issue at best as Ukraine keeps fighting for its freedom and survival. The news report was by-lined by four reporters.

The four most popular comments:

Oh stop being stupid! Prohibiting Ukraine from striking Russia will only prolong the war and suffering. Let Ukraine strike Russia with whatever weapons we provide. Since when did war become a one sided affair? Did Russia provide weapons to North Korea to kill American troops, YES! Did Russia provide weapons to the Viet Cong to kill American troops, YES! Has both Russia and China provided aid to kill American troops in Afghanistan, YES!!! The only way to end the war is let Ukraine go into Russia any way they can, create absolute havoc, unbalance Russia and let the Russian people know there will never be peace until Russia withdraws from a sovereign county THEY INVADED!!

Russia made an unprovoked attack on all of Ukraine. Putin is a war criminal and his attacks on children’s hospitals, shopping malls, and homes of thousands of civilians are all war crimes. Yet in the face of those many war crimes, Putin somehow believes counter attacks on Russia’s “sacred ground” isn’t allowed?
Putin’s dream of restoring the Soviet Union is destroying what is left of Russia. The world now views Russia as nothing but a Nazi-like rogue nation… loosely allied with a few other war criminals.
Now is the time to more heavily back Ukraine, and support their strikes deeper into Russia’s military logistics regions.

Look, the Ukrainians have been outperforming every expectation, including those of our military leadership (who, remember, thought Kyiv would fall in three days) since day one of Russia’s invasion.
Consider the possibility that they know what they’re doing better than we do.

“Whether Ukraine violated U. S. rules on donated fighting vehicles.”
What a bunch of crap. A small nation fighting for its life and liberty against a mad man who bombs schools and hospitals and we are worried about “rules?”
At some point we need to simply recongize it is not being an ally to ask Ukraine to sit there and be taken apart piece by piece. What we should be doing is giving the Ukrainins the planes and missiles to hit their bomber bases from which all their missiles and drones are being launched from inside Russia.
Russia chose this war. About time their leadership and people finally understand that, yes, War is Hell and was never intended to be one sided because some one sets the “rules” to protect you against your own aggression and inhumanity.


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