Monday, March 31, 2025
Throngs of Readers Saying What Democratic Party Still Can’t: 81-Year-Old President Biden Must Stand Down

WASHINGTON, D.C. June 29 (DPI) – Thursday’s debate was a turning point in American presidential politics: It starkly revealed, despite months of assertions from Democrats to the contrary, that President Biden is far past his prime, is in clear and present decline, and shouldn’t be running for another term.

Even the mainstream media, long reliably faithful to Biden and his party, showed signs of acknowledging what everyone saw in the Atlanta debate: An old man who couldn’t finish his sentences and could barely stand for his 90 minutes on stage with Donald Trump. The New York Times editorial board finally broke what amounted to a taboo and editorialized yesterday that Biden should leave the race. Nearly 5,000 comments followed, including this one, which captured a broad, sad sentiment: “I’m terrified. If Biden doesn’t drop out, then Trump will be the next president. And it looks like that’s what’s going to happen. We’re doomed.”

More significantly, there was near universal agreement among posters on comment boards that A) the debate confirmed people’s worst fears about Biden, B) He’s been a noble public servant for decades but it’s time now for him to stand down and retire, C) The Democrats will certainly lose the election if Biden isn’t replaced by a younger, more vibrant candidate, and fast.

Most popular comments attached to the NYT editorial:

He should announce that he is stepping aside for the sake of the country on July 4. He would go down in history forever as a true American patriot.

No undecided voter will be swayed by the argument that “Joe Biden isn’t the best debater, but he is great at governing, and that’s what matters.” Undecided voters saw the full effects of age on Biden, and will not believe Biden’s advisors and top Democrats when they try to convince those voters to ignore what they saw and heard themselves. History will not look kindly on Biden if he does not step aside in the interested of the Republic.

This whole situation reminds me of the Ruth Bader Ginsburg fiasco. Someone who could have stepped aside at a more appropriate time decided not to and changed the course of history.

“It should be remembered that Mr. Biden challenged Mr. Trump to this verbal duel. He set the rules, and he insisted on a date months earlier than any previous general election debate. He understood that he needed to address longstanding public concerns about his mental acuity and that he needed to do so as soon as possible. The truth Mr. Biden needs to confront now is that he failed his own test.” Pretty much sums it up. Earlier today, he held a rally, and seemed much more composed. But it was a friendly crowd, and he was probably scripted. Last night, in the debate, the adversary could have been Putin. And the stakes could have been such to put upon him the same if not greater amount of stress (and result in the same, painful to watch reaction/meltdowns). Yeah, I’m in agreement. DNC needs to do something here, quickly.

Joe has nothing else to prove — he achieved entry into the pantheon of fine, hard-working political servants by rising to the office of US president. Nothing will ever take that away from him. But he will be remembered with even more honour and respect if he steps aside at this point, for the good of the country he loves so deeply.


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