Monday, March 31, 2025
As War Escalates, WaPo Readers Show Surprising Level of Support For It

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Feb. 22 (DPI) – While some polls suggest more Americans are tiring of their support of Ukraine, a recent flurry of reader comments on indicates quite the opposite – in fact, that there is strengthening resolve for the year-old war.

A well-reported article today on outlines China’s rising rhetoric in its alliance with Russia, and next to it more than 1,400 reader comments universally line up with Ukraine.

The most popular comments:

“Ukrainians are indeed fighting until the last Ukrainian. As was pointed out over the weekend, if Russia stops fighting and pulls out, the war simply ends. if Ukraine stops, Ukraine ends.”

“China often calls on other countries to respect its sovereignty and territorial integrity. It should call for the same in Ukraine. Otherwise it’s “peace plan” will just be asking Ukraine to surrender to its invader.”

The United States did not start or propagate this war. We are protecting a Democracy from a ruthless and needless invasion of their sovereign country. This could all be ended by Russia in ten minutes.
Meanwhile, China’s support of Russia’s invasion is a primer for their own ambitions to overthrow the Taiwan Democracy. It’s that simple.


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