Monday, March 31, 2025
WaPo Columnist Delivers Insight on Fraudster George Santos, But Hides Where All That Insight Originates

WASHINGTON, D.C. Jan. 17 (DPI) – The Washington Post’s Charles Lane – one of most measured, thoughtful and underrated columnists writing today – offered several insights last week on the George Santos affair, primarily that the recently elected fraudster dreamed up lies that sounded believable.

Lane cited books and experts on the psychology of fraudsters, while pointing out that Santos’s behavior – he got elected to represent a Long Island congressional district while lying about his background – was all “fascinating.”

But the most remarkable part of Lane’s column was what he omitted: He chose not to inform readers that he was front and center in the 1998 Stephen Glass scandal at The New Republic magazine. Lane was the editor of the magazine when Glass, then a 25-year-old staff writer, was revealed as having invented New Republic articles from whole cloth. Lane fired Glass upon confirming Glass’s fraud, and moved on to The Post in 2000.

Lane himself was portrayed, sympathetically, even heroically, by actor Peter Sarsgaard in the 2003 film “Shattered Glass,” one of Hollywood’s better treatments of American journalism.

Lane’s decision to leave out any reference to the Stephen Glass fraud was conspicuous enough – people want to forget about trauma, after all. But The Post appeared to have ensured there be no reference to Glass in the comment section, as any comment with the keywords “Stephen Glass” and “Peter Sarsgaard” were automatically rejected.

In fact, of the more than 870 comments attached to Lane’s column, not a single one referred to the Glass Scandal or Lane’s unfortunate experience having to deal with it. Many of the comments focused on the fact that Santos is a Republican, and that his deceit is consistent with the culture of the GOP these days.

The most popular comment:

As far as Republicans purging their ranks of apparent charlatans is concerned, I submit there would be few left standing after the purge.


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