Sunday, February 23, 2025
Census Reports Sharp Population Declines in Big Cities; Readers Say What Major Media Won’t

NEW YORK, NY May 26 (DPI) – The WSJ reported today on sharp population declines in nearly all of America’s largest cities, and cited the “search for more space” during the pandemic as the driving force behind the trend.

But readers commenting on the report almost universally countered with other reasons: Rising urban crime, worsening city management, high taxes and one-party rule that ignores day-to-day realities in their jurisdictions. One of the most popular comments: “Many have had enough, individuals and businesses alike. Media and government officials don’t want to admit it.”

New York City saw a population decline of more than 3% between July 1, 2020, and July 1, 2021, while other major cities saw declines of 1 to 3 percent. Only Phoenix and San Antonio among major cities saw increases during that period.

The most popular comments attached to the WSJ report were more caustic than usual, underscoring the deep cultural and political divisions on today’s America:

Among the most popular:

The pandemic? Nope. 100% due to governance. Hopefully these people don’t vote for what they are fleeing.

We moved from Chicago last year and it was not due to the pandemic. People are moving because our big cities are become uninhabitable. We feared the crime and refused to pay the price to live there. Taxation without representation.

Covid? WSJ please! We left Chicago recently where our family’s roots approximate the great Chicago fire 1871….Covid….please, the crat party mental illness gangs taxes rude liberal neighbors an Al Capone doppelgänger Gov…the list is endless….Covid?

Personally knowing several families that moved from Illinois and California in our neighborhood, I will confirm what many have said below. It’s got nothing to do with the pandemic. Nothing. Jobs and people are fleeing these states and others due to the democrat policies. Businesses are leaving, taxes are soaring, crime is soaring in these places. Complete dumpster fire governance like what’s happening to the whole country under Biden and his handlers.

I’m frankly surprised the article completely ignores the true motivation for moving for many of these tens of thousands fleeing, not coincidentally, major blue cities like SF, Chicago, LA and NY., while states like FL and TX grew rapidly. No, it’s not just about “finding more space” and incentives, let’s get real folks. It mainly had to do with: the overtaxation in those states and cost of living, incessant crime, rampant homelessnesses, anti business climate and over-regulation, silly socialist policies like defund the police and BLM, shutting down of schools due to teacher’s union demands, masking of 3 year olds, shutting down of small business but not of big business, vaccine mandates and the firing of those (including fire fighters and nurses) who didn’t comply, and other left wing policies. What about the fact that corporations from a wide range of industries are fleeing these states and relocating to FL and TX? Has to do with cheaper office space? Not quite. Many have had enough, individuals and businesses alike. Media and government officials don’t want to admit it. Sure, more space is nice and factored in to decisions I’m sure, but those I know who have moved from states like NY and CA are absolutely fed up with not only the over taxation but the socialist ideals being rammed down their throats, the crime and homelessness, and for many, the last straw was the harm done to children for unnecessary school closures and related mandates.  Wake up blue states!


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