Sunday, February 23, 2025
Many Americans Now in Disbelief of China’s Support of Russia: “It’s Time to Bring the Supply Chains Home”

NEW YORK, NY April 4 (DPI) – In a well documented report in The New York Times today, the Chinese regime is said to be spewing – still – a pro-Russia narrative to its population. That’s even as the world learns in recent days of more Russian barbarity and depravity in Ukraine.

And Americans – or at least Americans posting on US news sites – are voicing a deeper disquiet about the US’s relationship and trade dependence on China. As one popular post succinctly put it: “It’s time to bring the supply chains home.”

Among the most popular comments:

Maybe it is time for the US (and the world) to reexamine its debt to China (approximately $1.06 trillion as of January 2022 for the US alone), as well as its foreign aid ($25.74 Mn obligation $32.50 Mn disbursement for the US). What exactly are we willing to support and why have we (the western world) allowed ourselves to become indebted to such a land. Perhaps, as a start, we need to reevaluate our own priorities first.

So China has decided. Start the economic sanctions and move manufacturing back to the U.S., Canadian, and Mexican shores; North America can be the economic powerhouse once again. Let the autocrats wallow in disuse and irrelevance.

Russia invades it’s neighbor, destroying it’s cities and killing thousands, sending millions fleeing. But it’s the US’s fault. We had no plans to invade or anything else. China is lying to itself, they just want to do the same, in the name of sovereignty.

Yet another good reason to stop buying cheap Chinese goods.

China, like Russia, has a history of violently crushing and subduing neighbors. Vietnam for 1,000 years, more recently Tibet, and today the Uighurs. China and Russia today are both tyrannies bent on imperialist expansion. Both countries aim to crush democracy at home and abroad. Neither is our friend. Perhaps we and Europe and democracies around the world should cease to doing commercial business with both? Why fund those who seek our demise?

China is clearly afraid that its own subjugated people will be inspired by the brave people of Ukraine who would rather fight to the death than live under Russian oppression. China and Russia need the West more than we need them. Stop buying Chinese products and start making things in the US once again. The fact that China has no problem with the slaughter and destruction going on in the Ukraine says all we need to know about the character of the Chinese and what they would do to another country given the opportunity.


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