Monday, March 31, 2025
WSJ Columnist Shares Email Thread with Mark Cuban; Readers Mostly Confused

NEW YORK NY May 24 (DPI) – WSJ columnist Andy Kessler got in a lively email exchange with celebrity businessman Mark Cuban on the potential of digital stores of value called “nonfungible tokens” and their underlying Blockchain technology, a thread that Kessler shared with readers this week.

But readers were mostly perplexed by the exchange, since neither Cuban nor Kessler explained what NFTs actually are, why old-line investors should take them seriously – or why Blockchain-based markets will grow, as Cuban insists.

Kessler last week penned a column lamenting the temporary, fleeting nature of ownership – of anything – in the digital age. He cited examples of Iphones and other tech hardware, which only operate if the manufacturer allow them to, and on their terms. Headline: “The No-Ownership Society: If you buy an Iphone, why shouldn’t you be able to do whatever you want with it?”

That prompted Cuban to reach out to Kessler to offer that the rise of Nonfungible Tokens and other Blockchain-based marketable items – including cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum – will eventually be widely used and relied on. Kessler, in another column he wrote this week, expressed skepticism, echoing the views of many readers.

Many readers still came away convinced that Cuban was simply “talking his book” promoting alternative investments, and that Kessler was being bamboozled.

Most recommended of 310 reader comments this afternoon:

Mark Cuban may or may not understand crypto.
One cannot tell, because Andy Kessler seems to be in way over his head. I think he is trying to be hip, but struggles to understand the basic concepts involved.
Thus the whole article comes across as a word salad. It hints at deep meanings but does not deliver any meaning at all.
At least in my opinion.

Len, I couldn’t agree more.  My response to the entire article …
I wish Andy had asked Mark Cuban …
”What positions do you currently hold, and in which cryptocurrencies?”
”What do you hope to gain from cryptocurrencies? “
”If the average person doesn’t buy into the ether of cryptocurrency, how does that impact your positions long term?”

Mark Cuban’s position, as has always been the case, can be summed up in two words:
“Mark Cuban”

Mark Cuban predicts everything, and is right about everything he predicts, until he isn’t. He’s unpredictable that way. He even thought he could  be President. But he never shies away from predictions. Or sanctimony. 

Read this article three times…..
….then ask yourself, “How in the world did we get here?”

I’m Just a tad confused.   What am I supposed to take home from this article? 
Maybe that Andy has cool email friends?

Mark Cuban has been touting his own book for years, He tells people what he likes after he has a position in it and then pumps it up to the yokels .                      Do people really think that the world powers are going to sit around and have their currency replaced by crypto? They will tax,and regulate these crytos  to death


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