Sunday, February 23, 2025
Can Biden Define Trump as a Promoter of Violence?

WASHINGTON, D.C. Aug. 31 (DPI) – Joe Biden’s lead in the polls is narrowing, as Trump is doing all he can to blame Democratic-run cities for the street violence related to this summer’s protests.

But most of the American press is focused on Trump’s divisive rhetoric, which has emboldened right-wing counter-demonstrators, including the 17-year-old youth who shot and killed two protesters in Kenosha, WI.

Max Boot’s column yesterday – headlined “Trump cannot be allowed to incite his way to re-election” – garnered more than 2,600 comments. The most recommended:

Considering how utterly lawless Trump is, and how much projection Trump uses, I don’t find it beyond the bounds of possibility that he would engineer the murder of his own supporters to ramp up rioting and unrest. The whole “false flag” conspiracy is always being pushed by right wingers, so why shouldn’t they do it too?

The sad fact is that crude tactics like this work. The average voter in America is still uninformed, still prone to believe simplistic solutions to complex problems and still primed to think anecdotal examples and Facebook feed headlines provide definitive proof for their cherished world view. 
We know that the majority of white Americans believe that discrimination against whites is a serious problem. We know that many Americans remain afraid of people who are different colors. And we know that instead of trying to heal those divisions, trump is delighted to fan them, because he cares only about short term benefits to him. 
Not only is trump not above fomenting and fabricating violence, it would be out of character for him not to. 

He foments and fabricates violence and gets gleeful when the whole house burns down. At the end of the day, I truly hope we as American voters ask ourselves if we deserve better than someone who enjoys seeing people in misery. It’s not just that he has no empathy.  He has no soul. 

You’d have to be dumb enough to be a Trump supporter to believe that the things going on right now in Trump’s America, are Joe Biden’s fault rather than Trump’s. Never, not once, has Trump tried to calm the situation. Not one single time. This needs to be pointed out to people who don’t logic very well, over and over again.

The Number 1 Comment among more than 1,500 attached to George Will’s column today:

“If Trump can convince enough of the American public that the only solution to all the crises brought on by four years of Donald Trump is to re-elect Donald Trump, then this country is probably doomed anyway.  Nothing can fix that amount of stupid.”


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