Thursday, March 6, 2025
Trump Tries to Smear MSNBC’s Scarborough; Readers Universally Push Back

WASHINGTON, D.C. May 14 (DPI) – True to well-established form, Trump stormed out of a Rose Garden press briefing this week after a petulant confrontation with a reporter. And in the aftermath, MSNBC pundit Joe Scarborough, exercising his First Amendment rights, skewered the president for his behavior.

That spurred Trump to tweet insinuations that Scarborough had murdered a staffer while he was a US Congressmen in the 1990s, a baseless and craven smear that shocked even the most restrained observers. In fact, The Washington Post followed up with an examination of this latest Trump attack, which prompted more than 1,700 reader comments – every single one of which heaped scorn on Trump. “The most desperate behavior I’ve ever seen so far, and that’s saying something,” wrote one poster.

The unanimity of outrage suggests that Trump – at least among Washington Post readers – still faces long odds at re-election. The most recommended comments on

Why Scarborough doesn’t sue this useless museless in defamation eludes me.  A sitting president isn’t immune to civil process.  Unless and until Drumpf learns that his incoherent ramblings have consequences, he’ll continue to attack anyone with whom he disagrees.  Destroy him.

How cruelly must the short-fingered vulgarian behave, how offensive must his lies become, how much evidence of his personal and professional corruption must be revealed before Republicans will gather the courage to abandon this deranged president? He is a threat to national security and was elected by fraudulent means, which renders the entire administration illegitimate.

Says the guy whose criminally negligent handling of this virus crisis has killed over 80,000 people.

It’s pathetic when a guy with multiple rape cases pending and numerous ex-wives, ex-girlfriends, ex-prostitutes accuses someone else of killing a political aide. 

This attack is so desperate, it’s not even picking low hanging fruit, it’s basically licking the Chocolate remnants off a discarded milkyway wrapper tangerine elvis found in the street

I’d call Trump a piece of feces, but that’s an insult to feces. 


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