Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Covid is Popping Debt Bubble, and WaPo Readers Blame GOP for Deficits

WASHINGTON, D.C. April 12 (DPI) – Washington Post columnist Robert Samuelson today expressed the inconvenient truth that the federal government’s $2 trillion stimulus plan will soon push government debt to close to 100% of annual GDP.

And while Samuelson tried to gently assign blame to Keynesian economists and weak-willed politicians, readers who posted comments would have none of it: They blamed Reaganomics – primarily tax cuts and deficit spending – spawned by Republicans in the 80s and later administrations.

The most popular comments – many of them surprisingly nasty – tell the tale of popular discontent:

Reagan blew up the debt and deficit.  GHW Bush tried to start getting under control.  The GOP hated him for it.  Clinton got it under control.  GW Bush blew up the debt and deficit.  Obama started to get it under control.  Trump blew up the debt and the deficit before the pandemic hit.
Both sides didn’t do this. Republicans did it and you know it.

Both political parties? Seriously? Even though Reagan skyrocketed the deficit, Bill Clinton brought it to a surplus, George W. Bush skyrocketed the deficit, Obama cut it in half, and now Trump and Republicans have skyrocketed it once again under Republican “leadership”.
Take your “both parties” crap and stick it up your dumb a.s.s.

Samuelson, you are shameless, like all conservatives, finding someone else to blame, this time academics, incredible, so low and cheap.  It’s all on the GOP, they never agree to higher taxes to solidify health care and the safety net, but give it all away to corporation when they are in power.  It’s. all. on. the. GOP!   Own it, putz.


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