Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Anti-Trump Republican Insiders Come Out for Biden; 8,000 Comments Follow

WASHINGTON, D.C. April 16 (DPI) – The group of Republican political strategists who call themselves The Lincoln Project came out in a Washington Post op-ed for Joe Biden’s candidacy, using forceful language to declare that Trump must be ousted at all costs.

“Unlike Trump, Biden is not an international embarrassment, nor does he demonstrate malignant narcissism. A President Biden will steady the ship of state and begin binding up the wounds of a fractured country … For Trump, the presidency has been the biggest stage, under the hottest klieg lights in a reality show of his making. Every episode leaves the audience more shocked and divided.”

The authors were the founders of the group, launched last year: George Conway, Rick Wilson, Steve Schmidt and Reed Galen, all longtime political consultants. Somewhere along the way they concluded that, whatever policy merits of a Trump presidency, the man’s lack of character and his general amorality are a corrosive influence on American society, and he should be ousted at the ballot box.

More than 8,000 reader comments largely supported their endorsement of Biden, which focused on Biden’s service over decades and his capacity for resilience in the face setbacks and personal tragedy.

The most popular comment:

Thank you for putting country before party. We can only hope and pray that you will convince other American patriots who previously voted Republican to join you to save our nation before trump does irreparable damage.

Another popular comment:

People may recognize Rick Wilson from his book: Everything trump touches dies.

Wilson has been a republican operative for many years- an author of republican campaign and election strategies and a person who knows all the dirty tricks and has used many of them over the years.
I recommend his book both for its insight into trump, and also to gain an understanding for how republicans have used every trick in the book to get marginal and unqualified candidates elected.  It also sheds light on why and how republican propaganda has so deeply maligned Democrats and damaged their reputations.
I say this not to browbeat Wilson, but to acknowledge that even a man like Wilson understands that there are limits.  And what is clear from his book is that he understood early on the bad deal republicans were making in order to put trump in office.  In short, Wilson recognized that keeping a republican in the White House was not worth the damage it did to our institutions and to the rule of law.  It begs the question- if Rick Wilson of all people gets it, why is it so hard for the republican main stream to get it?
The answer lies at least in part in the fact that the republican party has become completely divorced from facts, science, and critical thinking.  Unfortunately for everyone, holding power no longer benefits anyone other than the super wealthy, if holding that power entails that we destroy everything we are supposed to value.
This assault on truth, facts, science, and decency has been going on for many decades.  I think that Wilson would acknowledge that, given that he was one of the authors of those assaults. 
What Wilson realizes, as others are coming to realize, is that the republican party is dying.  They have bought themselves a reprieve by suppressing the vote, gerrymandering, lying, employing a television organization as a propaganda team, and resolutely doing things that contravene the law.  But the end is coming for them, and  Wilson knows it.


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