Thursday, March 6, 2025
Given Stakes, Most WaPo Readers Willing to Look Past Bloomberg’s Old Misogynistic Behavior

WASHINGTON, DC Feb 16 (DPI) – The Washington Post published a lengthy report on Michael Bloomberg’s well known record of sexist and vulgar comments on Wall Street three decades ago, including several cases that led to legal action by women who worked for his company Bloomberg LP.

Bloomberg of course has cleaned up his act – before he served 12 years as NYC’s mayor. And the renewed scrutiny of Bloomberg is to be expected as he rises in the polls.

But a majority of readers – 11,000 comments were attached to the Post article – were willing to forgive Bloomberg for those old transgressions, mindful of the stakes in this presidential election. The most popular comment: “Doesn’t matter.  Anybody but Trump.  Anybody. “

In fact, a large number of readers said Bloomberg’s inappropriate remarks as a boss 30 years ago do indeed matter – but it the problem at hand requires that voters bet on Bloomberg, or whomever secures the Democratic nomination:

Quite right, it does matter.  
However, when you compare Trump with Bloomberg it matters much less.  The question is  –  if Bloomberg ends up getting the support, despite these negatives  –  will people go for 4 more years of Trump?  
It’s unbelievable to me that, even if there were more odious things to come to light, people would not vote for the removal Trump.
Bloomberg is pro democracy, pro the Constitution, pro legal business, not a bankrupt who has plundered the American tax system, not given to grabbing sexual parts, not either ignorant of local or international information, not undermining of the judiciary or American security agencies, not denigrating of American ambassadors, not egotistically ‘Bloomberg first.’  He doesn’t believe in conspiracy theories and, no doubt, believes in science.  
You name it, Trump is infinitely worse.
Why Bloomberg is involving himself is because he can see the enormous damage  –  both the social and governmental destruction  –  Trump is doing and he wants to spend millions of his own money to see anyone defeat Trump.  He has vowed to financially back anyone who is selected. That sounds like either Warren or Sanders.  
If anyone has any sense at all they will let this play out and, if in the finish Bloomberg is the candidate, support him in the election.  To do otherwise is self destructive and mindlessly insane.

45 year old black voter here: I don’t care about Bloomberg’s NDA’s or cases with women. DOES NOT MATTER. If they took money in a settlement, then its their business and its over. Stop and frisk is a not a deal breaker either. I am voting for him. I want Trump out more than I am mad at Bloomberg 

The following tweet from Bloomberg just won my vote……
@realDonaldTrump – we know many of the same people in NY. Behind your back they laugh at you & call you a carnival barking clown. They know you inherited a fortune & squandered it with stupid deals and incompetence. I have the record & the resources to defeat you. And I will.


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