Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Despite Widespread Doubts, Sanders Emerges as Democrat to Beat

WASHINGTON, D.C. Feb. 24 (DPI) – Bernie Sanders this weekend won the Nevada primary caucus by a wide margin, building momentum into Super Tuesday on March 3. It all feels like a replay of 2016, when Donald Trump rode a wave of populist anger to claim his party’s nomination – and be dismissed all along as unelectable.

But Sanders – with 40 years in politics, and well articulated views that include praise for the likes of Fidel Castro – may not survive the scrutiny and the attacks from fellow Democrats in the next few weeks.

Comments attached to op-eds and news stories on suggest widespread reservations about a Sanders candidacy:

“I have vowed to vote blue no matter what. And I will, But it is REALLY hard to vote for someone who insists that policy differences are some sort of moral failing on my part. That because I’ve been a Democrat for 40 years and believe in incremental change I’m a sellout, a hack, and part of the problem instead of the solution. This and more I have been called by Bernie supporters online. And they are realĀ supporters, not bots. A couple of them are even related to me. This column captures perfectly how offensive these purity tests are, and how tired so many Democrats are of the in-the-face revolution from Bernie supporters. If they are turning off much of the base, how can they reach anyone else? If he loses, it won’t be because his policy positions aren’t popular (many are). It’s because people who are bullied and insulted aren’t looking forward to signing up for four more years of the same.”

“Let’s compare Sanders versus Bloomberg. Michael Bloomberg created a tremendously profitable company by himself. Bernie Sanders, correct me if I am wrong, did not have a regular job until age 40. As mayor, Bloomberg helped make NYC the safest large city in the US. Has Bernie done anything in congress? Bloomberg has given several billions to charity. Bernie wants to give away other peoples money. I have been a Democrat for many years and I fully support Michael Bloomberg – he gets things done. Can Bernie say the same thing? Ranting is not a qualification to be president.”


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