Friday, September 6, 2024
Only In Era of Trump Can Journalist’s Murder Be Little But a PR Problem

WASHINGTON, D.C. Oct. 20 (DPI) – Saudi Arabia announced yesterday that Jamal Khashoggi died after a “fistfight” at its Istanbul consulate, an assertion so cynical and implausible that readers all over expressed universal dismay and outrage.

The far-fetched claim also seemed to confirm that Trump, in less than 2 years as US president, has enabled his closest allies – the Saudis and Vladimir Putin, in particular – to stand on the world stage and boldly lie like no leaders have lied since Hitler. “Trump has lent protection to tyrants, given them cover, and the rest of us are standing by watching,” wrote one poster on today.

And reader comments, even in corners most supportive of Trump, recognize that. Today the most popular comments on

“Discussions between citizen Jamal Khashoggi and those who met him while he was in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul led to a quarrel and a physical confrontation”
Discussions in which Saudi Arabia flew in a 15 man team including an ‘autopsy expert’ who carried a bone saw?

The official story makes perfect sense.  61 year old men who from appearances are not in tip top shape always pick fights with a dozen or so security guards….The Saudi’s should be ashamed and embarrassed for many reasons not the least of which is to come up with such a lame story after having so much time….sixth graders can create better excuses.

The problem here is that it’s more than killing, it’s desecration and butchering of a corpse. People die everyday in fights but this level of brutality is almost never heard of.  This was the work product of a bunch of rabid savages. There is precedent in the annals of crime for dismemberment by deranged individuals but not by groups of perpetrators. Civilized people will not invest in a country where such savages roam in the highest circles of society.



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