WASHINGTON, D.C. July 16 (DPI) – Reader comments across the news-site spectrum reflected an unprecedented disgust and contempt today for Trump as he cozied up with Vladimir Putin at their summit in Helsinki. During the summit Trump directed most of his usual vitriol at European allies, ignored Russian meddling in the 2016 election and blamed the US for poor US-Russia relations. All of it confounded American readers on US news sites.
This long and thoughtful comment was by far the most popular among more than 1,200 moderated reader comments on NYTimes.com today:
I’m a co-owner of a mid-sized manufacturing company, and we export about 25% of our output to European customers that we have cultivated for over twenty years. The relationships we have built with our European counterparts have been immensely beneficial through the sharing of ideas, technologies, and, of course, commerce itself. Through these relationships I have a stronger business, and I have become a better person. So Trump’s statement that the EU is a “foe” is bizarre to me—and ominous. His remarks represent a profound betrayal, well beyond the concerns of trade, as does the general Republican acquiescence. Think of the Greatest Generation—our parents and grandparents—and all that they sacrificed during and after the war, and the vision for a better world that they held—a peaceful world, committed to democratic values and basic human rights. Tens of millions died in this effort while exhibiting astounding bravery and fortitude. And then there is Trump. Saying that our friends, brothers (and sisters) in arms, are now our foes—and why? My father would be outraged. And so am I.
Even pro-business The Wall Street Journal’s coverage of the Trump-Putin summit reflected dismay as Trump blamed the US for poor relations with Russia.
This was the most popular comment on WSJ.com among 2,400 unmoderated reader comments today:
What is wrong with this man? How can anyone continue to defend him?