Sunday, March 9, 2025
Most Readers Supportive of Amazon Cutting Off Abusive Customers

NEW YORK, NY May 23 (DPI) – Amazon Inc. is quietly closing the accounts of people who return large amounts of merchandise, according to The Wall Street Journal. And readers, to a surprising degree, support such unilateral action by the online retailing giant.

The most popular comment linked to the WSJ report: “This world’s swarming with really annoying people who disrupt air travel, get to the front of a line of customers not knowing what they want to order, and return way too many items they purchased without thinking first.  If these people could be banned from participating in daily life I, for one, wouldn’t miss them.”

The problem of “high maintenance” customers – as well as those who game the system by abusing return policies – has long been part of retailing, but in recent years companies such as LL Bean and Best Buy have cracked down.

But Amazon, which today accounts for about 4% of all US retail sales, has a clout that no brick-and-mortar chain could possibly have. Readers well realize that Amazon’s patient strategy of hooking customers over many years – and with once-generous return policies – has worked.

The second most-popular comment:

Amazon’s open return policy was a key marketing strategy to lure customers away from the brick and mortar stores.  Now that they have bankrupted (or close to it) many retailers, they want to move to a business model that would never have attracted such a massive consumer base in the first place.  Their return policy was intended (in part) to attract the consumer that likes to “try things on and ensure good fit” before buying, a practice easily accomplished when shopping for clothes in department stores. Without their return policy, they probably wouldn’t have attracted such a large customer base.

The only response to Amazon’s hegemony, some readers say, is to shop locally. The third-most and fourth-most recommended comments:

Do your homework. Amazon is not always the lowest price. Lately, brick and mortar stores realize they have to compete. If you can shop locally, I highly recommend doing so, even if you pay a little more . When your local store goes under, they’re gone forever. You’ll be stuck with the nameless, faceless monster that can cut you off in a heartbeat, leaving you little recourse. Returns are much easier locally, if you have a legit reason, they’re not going to ding you for it. They need your business. A Giant like amazon, not so much.

GOOD!!!  I know people who game  the system / push good customer service to the limit.  It adds to my cost as a responsible / reasonable customer.    These are the same serial abusers also have pets declared “emotional support animals.”  Beg their doctors for handicap parking stickers so they can park closer to the tennis center.    Cut in line.  Try and board before their class or group number is called.  Complain about their meals in hope that the restaurant will comp.  Never offer to pick up the check.  Claim senior discounts– 10 years early.
You know the type.


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