Sunday, March 9, 2025
Bizarre Racist Tweet Ends Rosanne Barr’s Comeback, And Sets off Readers Too

WASHINGTON, D.C. May 30 (DPI) – The actress Rosanne Barr tweeted an astonishingly racist attack on low-profile Obama aide Valerie Jarrett, prompting ABC only hours later to cancel Barr’s television show, and spurring a flurry of reaction on news-site comment boards. Thousands of readers weighed in, almost unanimously, to express outrage at Barr’s initial gesture – and approval with ABC’s swift action.

Many of the most popular reader comments focused on about four narratives: Rosanne was simply revealing her true bigoted feelings, and they are a reflection of many like her; Trump, who defends racist behavior and never explicitly rejects such comments, seems to get off easily with the public and press on such matters; Barr’s post-tweet excuses – something about being under the influence of sleeping medication – were lame and an evasion of responsibility; Barr ultimately blamed ABC executives for the cancellation of the show “Rosanne”, which was revived this year  in this era of Trumpian upheaval. The show began with strong ratings, but had been declining recently.

As one poster on put it: “The deep and tragic irony in all of this is that she made this show to say that not all Trump supporters are racist bigots…then she went and demonstrated what a racist, bigot she is.”

Why Barr would make such a baldly racist statement – on her Twitter feed, or anywhere – seemed to confirm the darkest depths of her character, and that she would attack Jarrett – someone largely out of the public spotlight for years, with no history of a relationship with Barr herself – only added to bizarre ugliness of the tweet.

ABC’s decision to kill the show – pretty much its only option, given the nature of Barr’s offense – was met with widespread approval among readers. Among the most popular comments on today:

A small and symbolic step, but journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. I applaud ABC wholeheartedly.

It was painfully obvious in watching interviews with Barr and Goodman that he dreaded what might come out of her mouth. I suspect the entire crew viewed Barr as the crazy, but sweet aunt who says grossly inappropriate things.  The deep and tragic irony in all of this is that she made this show to say that not all Trump supporters are racist bigots…then she went and demonstrated what a racist, bigot she is.

And this morning Roseanne was back on Twitter blaming Ambien; saying the show got canceled because she is a Trump supporter; saying other comedians have said worse things but did not name them….blah blah blah. She is another “victim” blaming everyone and everything but herself. She’s just like Trump. It’s everyone else’s fault.

Being a pharmacist , it is a news to me that the side effect of Ambien is racism. Knowing well Roseanne a racist, ABC hired her. Firing for her bigotry , ABC did right thing and thanks for that. Lot of people are saying that Trump says lot more obnoxious racist comments and nothing happens to him.

Most popular comment on today:

Thoughts and prayers sent to Rosanne on the loss of any personal responsibility for her own actions. Sad to see another conservative use the blame game to explain away their own disgusting behavior. Republicans, the party of no personal responsibility but lots of blame.


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