Friday, December 27, 2024
James Comey Has His Flaws, But He Looks Flawless Compared with His Target

WASHINGTON, D.C. April 16 (DPI) – Former FBI Director James Comey saw his career abruptly end last year, and like any controversial public figure he’s gone straight to publishing a memoir to say his piece.  Comey’s book “A Higher Loyalty” is hitting the shelves this week, and it’s hitting too with unprecedented shots at Trump. Among other put-downs, Comey says Trump is “morally unfit” for the presidency – a sentiment that many readers shared well before Comey’s media tour.

In fact, most readers across the political spectrum – more than 2600 comments on and 3500 on in the past 24 hours – took sides with Comey, even though the former FBI director is promoting a book, and some of his insults – about Trump’s hair, face and even hands – come across as a petty.  And of course Trump unleashed on Comey, calling him a “slime ball” in a tweet.

Top comments, a space where there’s often support for this president:

Trump is a pathological liar, enabled by the Republican party leadership and the state propaganda network, Fox News.

Reminds me of that kids’ taunt – “I know what you are, but what am I?” It appears President 9-a-Day’s strategy is to simply call others what he himself is.

The Liar in Chief is staying true to form.  While Comey’s credibility was strained with his publication of the Clinton email analysis, it is well know that an FBI agents notes of a meeting are admissible in legal proceedings.  The Cohen files will be extremely important in revealing what was going on through out Trumps saga of gray matter exploits.

Top comments:

While Comey has made some mistakes in his career. Especially recently, grandstanding a bit here and there. Up against a Trump, who is all grandstand all the time…Comey wins the integrity game. Trump has done exactly what in his career? Built, remodeled and “ran” some buildings. And due to many mistakes made doing that, he was forced to sell his brand.
While Comey has led a life of civil service in law enforcement. His resume full of laudable efforts to protect and serve
And even if Comey treads the line of being a bit petty in his book describing Trump. So? Is that the failure of the man, or this hyper insult driven environment, that Trump has inflicted upon the nation, and our social discourse? I will always side with a man like Comey over a not-man like Trump every day. Period.
Comey pursued his life’s work for reasons a man like Trump could not fathom. Ethics and respect for laws and the institutions.

On the one hand, I’m all for Trump getting whatever comeuppance he is due. But this particular conflict is just another step into the muck of trumpian politics, practices, and perversion. For better or worse (probably worse), Comey has decided to engage trump on trump’s terms.
Although trump’s retorts and responses are juvenile and unimpressive—appealing only to his adoring base and assorted opportunists—they do serve to further tarnish America. trump’s fondest wish is coming true: reality TV has come to the Oval Office. Sarah Sanders has eagerly taken on the role of his Apprentice lackey, as strident and as ugly of character as her boss.  And sadly, even if, by some miracle, we are soon rid of trump, he will never disappear. He will carp and snipe from his perch on Twitter, unless that’s not possible (is it allowed if he winds up in prison? No matter—if he can’t, Fox will).  This is now America.


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